Home Library
Library plays an important role in developing reading habits. A collection of good books motivate students for reading. We have a rich library full of thousands of books related to Literature, Language, Novels, Story, GK, Encyclopedia, Dictionary, fairy tales, Rhymes, Science, Prose, Poetry, Quiz and Reference Books. Students visit the Library as per their time table schedule.
We issue books to students as per their demand and choice. It is the responsibility of each student to take care of the book , especially textbooks that he has checked out. If a book or textbook is lost or damaged, it is the responsibility of the student who originally checked it out to replace it. Responsible student is supposed to pay the replacement amount of related book.
If we develop a reading habit among the students then we expect these out comes:
- Value
- A man full of life skills
- An excellent citizen
- A good learner
- A good thinker
- A wonderful philosopher
- A personality of excellence
- A man with innovative ideas
- A sharp mind
- A well groomed creative person